METAL DETECTING Monthly Get togethers

Our store also gets together once a month for Metal Detecting hunts in the bay area. There are times that we go out more than once a month and our Facebook page and Meet is updated to list our events. There's no charge and you just need to bring your own equipment and have some fun with us.

Our Facebook page is group is"We Dig It"

Prospecting Clubs

Metal Detecting Organizations


Treasure Hunters Society Santa Clara Valley

Meetings held at Nepredak Hall
770 Montaque Expressway
San Jose, Ca. 95131
2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30p.m.

East Bay Prospectors

Located in the San Francisco Bay Area

Northern California

Our new meeting location as of Feb 2013:First Presbyterian Church - Fireside Room1965 Colfax Street Concord, CA.

7PM to 9PM
There is a FREE parking garage on Salvio across  the street from the entry gate to the patio outside the room.